My new familymember :
13.4.95  -  07.08.05


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How many cats have their very own tree in the livingroom, I wonder?

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I'm the most beautiful, I'm sure  !!!

Now they can share the sofa.

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After a long day outside, it is good to come in and snuggle in the sofa taking a nap in the only sunray of the day.

When she gets tired of the dogs, she retires to the top of the closet, where she can overlook everything. She is well out of rreach.


May I present "Troldhaugens Indina", now called Dina.

Dina is a Norwegian Forest Cat , who has now retired from the showring and from motherhood. She is now to be a pensioner here with me. She had never seen dogs before, but it is going unusually well. Both parties are adapting well!

But it is very new and different owning at cat, and I have much to learn.    She is  very sweet and loving, so I think we will do OK.

Visit Dinas former family by cklicking  HERE

Update 26.01.2003
